Relationship Management

The 10 Best Sales Management Software in 2025
The 10 Best Sales Management Software in 2025 Finding a balance between motivating and micromanaging your sales team can be a challenge as a sales manager.  Overcoming this is essential to ensure your team stays on target while avoiding the pitfalls of excessive oversight that can hinder sales growth. Fortunately, you can rely on sales management software to amplify your impact and streamline operations. Every great sales manager, and their sales team, can benefit from a variety of different software that include CRM tools, communication tools, route planning tools, and much more.  I’ve researched the best sales management software on the market today, while also personally speaking to…
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The Ultimate Guide to Customer Retention: Strategies for B2B Success
The Ultimate Guide to Customer Retention: Strategies for B2B Success While it’s crucial that all B2B entities understand the importance of customer retention, not every one of them does.  I remember seeing a recent office exchange between a newly graduated salesperson and his veteran sales manager. The sales manager, let’s say his name was Michael, had asked the new salesperson, let’s say his name was Ryan, to share if business school had taught him any useful sales tips.  Ryan: Is it cheaper to sign a new customer? Or to keep an existing customer?  Michael: Uh… it’s equal.  Ryan: It is TEN TIMES more expensive to sign a new customer.  Michael:…
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31 Sales Manager Skills You Need To Lead Your Team to Success
31 Sales Manager Skills You Need To Lead Your Team to Success Sales managers are the driving force behind the success of all sales organizations, making it an exceedingly in-demand and rewarding career. However, it’s important to understand that the role can be very demanding and stressful. According to a survey conducted by HubSpot, 68% of sales account managers describe their lifestyle as “challenging”.  Well what does a sales manager do that is so challenging? As a sales manager, you’ll be responsible for meeting quotas, keeping your team accountable, and inspiring and coaching your team. There’s rarely a slow day in this role.  To succeed as a sales manager, you need the…
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The Power of Questions in Sales
The Power of Questions in Sales Want to better influence the sales process from beginning to end?  The secret lies in asking the right sales questions, not just talking about your product or service. Many salespeople believe that spending most of their time discussing and displaying their offerings is the best approach, but the truth is that telling is not selling.  Selling is about helping the other person understand why they need to pay you to achieve their goals or objectives. The most effective way to reach that point is to ask questions. Salespeople close more deals when they ask intuitive, probing questions based on customer…
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10 Customer Experience Lessons B2Bs Can Learn From Disney
10 Customer Experience Lessons B2Bs Can Learn From Disney “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” - Walt Disney  Disney is known across the world for its exceptional customer experience (CX).  Boasting numbers such as a 70% customer return rate to its parks and the top retention rate across all streaming platforms at 78%, Disney stands out.  With an emphasis on the creation of “magical moments” for their customers, the…
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