Yesenia Vega's Posts

Starting a Career in Sales
Starting a Career in Sales Starting a career in sales is an exciting decision, but one that can also be daunting as you embark on a new direction in your life.  Sales is an exciting pathway because there are many different sales career possibilities, but whether you’re thinking of becoming an inside or outside sales rep or working in a specific industry like pharmaceuticals, car sales, or construction equipment, understanding the fundamental process of sales is key to success.  In this guide, we'll explore everything in the world of sales – from uncovering the typical sales career path to delving into its benefits, and resources…
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Automate Prospecting and Route Planning with Resquared & Badger Maps
Automate Prospecting and Route Planning with Resquared & Badger Maps We’re bringing together lead generation and route optimization for field sales people. The combined solution makes uncovering new customers and organizing your time in the field easy.  With the power of AI in your outreach email campaigns from ReSquared and the ability to plan your time in the field with Badger Maps, field sales reps can crush their quota.  Using Resquared and Badger Maps together shows reps what the future of field sales can be.  With Resquared AI for reaching out to local businesses and finding new leads in your area, you can scale up your prospecting and uncover…
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7 Best Practices for Successful Sales Canvassing
7 Best Practices for Successful Sales Canvassing With so many ways to reach customers remotely, door-to-door canvassing seems outdated and inefficient. However, effective sales canvassing is still widely used in sales today and is a tremendous way to comprehensively manage sales territory, get new leads, and hone in on your sales skills such as pitching, communication, and following up.  Sales canvassing can be daunting without proper guidance, but with these tips for canvassing, you’ll know how to canvass like a pro and set yourself up for success in no time.
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The Google Maps for Salespeople
The Google Maps for Salespeople Many field salespeople find that most of their workday is spent driving and not selling. If this sounds like you, then you’ve come to the right place.  Field salespeople and those working in field services need optimized routes to stay competitive.  But can Google Maps help salespeople to get optimized routes?   The short answer is no, you need a multi-stop sales mapping software to ensure you stay at the top of your game. Badger Maps is a route planner app designed specifically for salespeople. With features like CRM integration and lead generation, Badger Maps is the Google Maps for field…
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